April Wrap-Up: I break out of my reading slump + some great reads + 500 followers??

What. A. Month.

Like, we’re, what, a handful of days into May? And my life is already in shambles. I am in full freakout crisis mode. My personal life is in a state of destruction of my own making. Everything is ruined permanently and I cannot fix it.

April, on the other hand? All I had to worry about was my looming demise at the hands of finals, plus how I was going to make it through the ceiling as my quality of life continued to rise, without regard to manmade structures, toward the atmosphere. (Again: before I ruined everything, as I tend to do.)

I am going to stop pitying myself (just kidding but I’ll stop live-typing as I continue to do so) and talk about April boi!! When things were perfect and everyone important (read: me) was happy as a clam.

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Not bad!! Not awesome. But not bad!


















Whether the above is accomplished by solving my problems OR avoiding them. I’m not picky!

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It’s summer! I’ve got my hat on backwards and it’s time to f*ckin’ party.

Sleep?! I don’t know about sleep! It’s summertime! (Go to bed!) Oh she caught me.

SUMMERTIME!!!! I don’t practice Santeria……I ain’t got no crystal ball……..

Above are perfect transcripts of three summer-themed vines (1 2 3), which is to say: I’M DONE WITH SCHOOL! It’s summertime, baby. Hopefully that means lots of reading + blogging + bookstagramming and whatnot.

But it’s me. So you never know.

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1. Out of the Blue by Sophie Cameron

Read: March ? – April 3 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 2.5 stars

I can’t stress enough that this was a BOOK about ANGELS falling OUT of the SKY and I still was like. “Predictable. Boring. Give me more.”

There was a girl-on-girl romance plotline, which was dope. Biracial main character. Themes of mourning and chronic illness and other cool stuff. It wasn’t a bad book but it didn’t click for me. Honestly tragic. Everyone please shed a tear for me (a second tear, because you should have already shed one without direction when I introduced this post with my tale of woe).

Thanks to Fierce Reads for the ARC!! This one’s out May 15.

2. The Little Book of Feminist Saints by Julia Pierpont

Read: April 5 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 4 stars

Part of my ongoing quest to only read nonfiction anthologies of the stories of under-discussed badass women from history alongside beautiful art.

Otherwise known as “I loved the book Brazen so much and I just want to feel that feeling again. Like a drug addiction. But with woke graphic novels about women.”

Anyway. This was very cute and good and I love the title.

But it wasn’t as good as Brazen.

3. Obsidio by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Read: April 7-12 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 3 stars

The 3 stars of it all is subject to change. But like, I 3.5-starred Illuminae. I three-starred Gemina. So it shouldn’t be thatthatthat surprising.

The rating may even go down. In a lot of ways, this was all the sh*t that bugs me about the Illuminae series rolled up into one uniquely-formatted, million-page-long gift box.

But also it’s the endddddd. Aren’t endings sad?? Don’t they make ya wistful??? They even make me sad, and I’m an emotionless robot. (And NOT in the AIDAN way where he starts out a creepy villain and turns into a giant mushball. Not that at all. I have not been programmed to love. That’s why I’m flourishing right now.)

Wow, I’m annoying even myself.

4. Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson

Read: April 13-14 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 4.5 stars

This book has E V E R Y T H I N G. (Read this in a Stefon from SNL voice please.)

Bucket lists. Road trips. Friendship. That thing of where a character starts out with no friends and then by the end of the book has a squad of quirky weirdos to hang around. Banter. Snacks. Summertime. Playlists. Romance – BUT NOT TOO MUCH ROMANCE.

It’s all so good. The perfect contemporary. Morgan Matson, thank you for your blessings upon us.

Wait. Should I five-star this? Why didn’t I five-star this?

5. Dark Matter by Blake Crouch

Read: April 14-15 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 4 stars

Weird lineup of reads this month. Magical realismy angel book -> feminist nonfiction -> feminist nonfiction -> sci fi space adventure -> summery contemporary -> …whatever the hell this is.

This book was so cool. Physics! Multiverses! Who knew!

I love really complicated but exciting adventurous books that can teach me stuff. This was, like, the epitome of that genre. Move over, The Martian. No one cares about you anymore.

Yay for reading books that aren’t YA! Boundaries: consider yourselves pushed.

6. The Unexpected Everything by Morgan Matson

Read: April 15-16 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 3 stars

Then I tried to recreate some Morgan Matson success and failed UTTERLY.

This book was so meh I can barely even put it into words without boring myself to death. I’ll put myself to sleep. Typing the next few sentences in fits and bursts, between involuntary micro-naps caused by overwhelming dullness.

This book was so boring. The main character was so boring and was rivaled for boringness only by her boring love interest who was so boring I wish death upon him.

At least the friends and father were cool. Otherwise god knows how I would have made it through this.

7. The Distance Between Us by Kasie West

Read: April 16-17 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 1 star

It’s warm outside, so now I can barely read anything besides contemporaries. Like I lose the ability to read, essentially. YA fantasy? I don’t know her. General fiction? I’m sorry, I’m illiterate. Any contemporary ever? Give me two hours and a glass of water and I’ll get it done.

Anyway. This book suuuuuucked. It was so bad! Like, comically bad. And then in the acknowledgments Kasie West calls writing contemporary her “thing,” which is so funny it almost made up for the horrendous excuse for a book she just delivered me.


8. Where’d You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple

Read: April 18-19 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 4 stars


Like, honestly, move over Illuminae series. There’s a new uniquely-formatted book in town, and it’s not a three-book series that follows the exact same formula of unlikely heterosexual couple overcoming the odds to gaze into each other eyes while ships blow up in space with high casualty rates for characters who don’t matter.

Why am I harboring so much rage for the Illuminae books?

Anyway. The characters in this are infuriating, but this was still such a fun/funny/entertaining/amusing/synonyms read. Woo! Addictive. Unique. Love it. Yay.

9. Inferno by Dante Alighieri

Read: March 20-April 20 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 4 stars

I read this book for school (hence those fresh fresh month-long currently reading dates) and STILL I liked it.

It took us like 6 or 7 hour and forty-five minute class meetings to fully analyze and finish this, and STILL I liked it.

I had to write an eight to ten page paper on this with a confusing prompt as one of four grades (FOUR! GRADES!) in the class I’m least confident in, and STILL I…okay actually I liked it a little less after that.

Great book, though. Read me rant about literally one (1) single line of this thing here.

10. Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi

Read: April 19-20 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 4 stars


There is something so inextricably ~cool~ about this book (almost as cool as bracketing words with ~ these things ~~~) that I instantly googled the author upon finishing.


She has a dope website. She writes articles. She’s cool on Twitter. She’s beautiful. SHE HAS APPEARED ON THE LATE NIGHT TELEVISION PROGRAM DESUS & MERO.

She is cooler than I ever have been or could ever hope to be.

Also, this book is good. And look at the cover!

11. Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella

Read: April 20-21 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 2 stars

I wanted to keep those good contemporary vibes going, and also the brunette-female-in-dark-glasses-against-a-simpleish-blue-background + mysterious search/missing person-related title gave me heavy Where’d You Go, Bernadette vibes.

As it turns out, these two books have very little in common. Mainly, one is good, and the other is not. (This is the not-good one.)

This whole book felt all jagged and abrupt and exaggerated and cartoonish, which made even the good parts (Audrey’s narrative voice! Bits of the anxiety rep!) feel bad. Bleh.

12. The Annotated Alice by Martin Gardner & Lewis Carroll

Read: ?-April 22 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 5 stars




Fully wild.

Anyway. This is a version of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (my very favorite book OBVIOUSLY are you new here) with crazy annotations of all these things about Britain at the time of the writing and Lewis Carroll’s life and the book’s legacy and UGH. It’s all so fascinating.

Perfect perfect perfect book. I loved it so much my heart had to physically grow to make room.

This makes for an overall rating of………..as always, please give me a drumroll in addition to your full, long term attention……………………


Not as high as last month, but I read more books + more new books (lot of rereads in March), so that’s to be expected.

Better than 2.7!

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I posted seven whole times in April! Who even am I. A brand new person, apparently.

Or just procrastinating for finals. I DON’T KNOW.

My top three posts of the month were:

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Whoa! Two of the three were review posts. When does that happen.

And, for the third month in a row, my actual top post is an oldie:

When are people going to stop caring about this book???

So there’s April. There were some really fabulous personal life moments last month – even when finals came around and attempted to cause my death, I had a great month.

The first days of May have NOT BEEN GREAT.

Fingers crossed I manage to pull off some truly unlikely comebacks and the month turns around for me am I right??? Maybe stop destroying my own chances at happiness??? #justgirlythings

Also, I forgot to mention in the midst of my self-pity: I HIT 500 FOLLOWERS IN APRIL!! And had my best month for views ever!!!! Thank you guys sooooo much. Lots of love, you’re the greatest, etc etc, other cheesy-but-true things.

How was your April? Did you read anything really good? Really bad? What was your favorite read of the month?

Have you read any of the books I read in April? How’s the start of your May?

46 thoughts on “April Wrap-Up: I break out of my reading slump + some great reads + 500 followers??

  1. Holly says:

    Where’d You Go, Bernadette has been on my TBR for AGES so I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed it. Hopefully this will inspire me to read it ASAP. Also, CONGRATS ON REACHING SUMMER!!! That’s always such an amazing feeling when you can finally say that you’re on summer break. I still have six more weeks of term, but I’m so conflicted about not wanting to leave Oxford but simultaneously missing home that I honestly have no idea how I’m going to feel about summer break this year *conflicted emotions intensify*

    ANYWAYS, congrats on 500 followers!!!!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      SIX MORE WEEKS!! that’s crazy! but also good b/c you have so much more time left in oxford 🙂 (and therefore we can all live it up with your amazing studying-abroad posts)

      totally totally totally read Where’d You Go, Bernadette!! not everybody likes it but i think everyone agrees it’s a quick/light/fun one. and also i like it so much.

      thank you thank you!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. audreywritesabroad says:

    I loved, loved, LOVED Since You’ve Been Gone! Such a perfect summer read! 🙂

    I’ve been travelling since the beginning of April so I’m not reading much, (only Stalking Jack the Ripper actually, haha) but I think May is going to be different! I’ve already read Fangirl, by Rainsow Rowell (ahhhh loved it!) and I’m halfway through Name of the Wind, Rothfuss. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Anushka H. says:

    I’m so glad you loved Since You’ve Been Gone! I’m not a YA contemporary fan but this book? It’s EVERYTHING. I’m also glad you loved Dark Matter, Bernadette and Emergency Contact highly! I’ll be reading Emergency Contact soon, and the other two are on my TBR too!

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      i read so much YA contemporary but i’m so hard on it??? but since you’ve been gone is a triumph

      Dark Matter, Where’d You Go Bernadette, and Emergency Contact are all fully amazing. so glad you’ll be reading them/can’t wait to hear your thoughts!!


  4. tasya @ the literary huntress says:

    Congrats for reaching 500 followers! I want to read The Unexpected Everything this summer as it is the thickest Matson’s book and the only one I haven’t read ehehe. I heard mixed reviews about it though 😦 I always want to read the Inferno but I’m not sure I could understand without any guidance??? But it sounds so cool and I’m intrigued 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      thank you soooo much!!

      i love a good morgan matson book in the summer. The Unexpected Everything is not my favorite of hers, but it’s also not my least favorite – and it’s quick and fun like they all tend to be.

      i am super glad i read Inferno in a class, b/c it is a wild confusing book, but also it’s so entertaining and grotesque and powerful that i think reading it on your own will be fantastic too!


    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      thank you!! no i managed to break out of my slump in the middle of this month, so this is not what i’d call a slump :p & i wasn’t a huge fan of Illuminae and Gemina, so if you really liked those two you’ll probably like Obsidio!


  5. Ilsa @ A Whisper Of Ink says:

    YOU READ SO MANY BOOKS!!! WELL DONE. And yes I 3.5 started Illuminae AS WELL. I thought it was…as you say a story about “unlikely heterosexual couple overcoming the odds to gaze into each other eyes while ships blow up in space with high casualty rates for characters who don’t matter” THAT IS PUT SO DAMN WELL. I have no interest in the rest of the series even though everyone and their grandma is marrying Obsidio, LIKE DUDE STOP MAKING OUT WITH THIS BOOK. But May wanted me to read Gemina SOoooooooooooo. I’ve never tried a Morgan Matson book, they sounds fun but I’ve seen them AND THEY LOOK HUGE. And huge contemporaries? AHH THATS SCARY I DONT WANNA GO THERE. Emergency Contact looks super quick and COOL and I’ve heard REALLY amazing things but then also…really meh and disappointed but I feel like I’ll like it so hopefully my library has it or something? AND CONGRATULATIONS OF FIVE HUNDRED FOLLOWERS. IT gives me hope there are 500 sane people in the world who are still making the right decisions (like following and reading and loving your blog) ANYWHO, I shall leave now because this comment is huggeee.

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      OH MY GOD YOU ARE THE BEST PERSON ON EARTH. seriously. stop making the rest of us look bad.

      obsidio is literally the same as gemina, which is literally the same as illuminae. i feel like it’s possible to like gemina without loving illuminae, but obsidio?? that book is Not Good, yo.

      morgan matson is SO FUN sometimes but the only book of hers i’d recommend without reservations is Since You’ve Been Gone. & not everyone likes Emergency Contact but WOW i did and i hope you read it and like it and we can scream about it

      thank you sooooo muuuuuuch ❤ ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  6. meltotheany says:

    First off, you are so amazing and deserve all the followers in the world! Congrats, my love! Second, you giving Infero 4 stars makes me want to pick it as my next classic, but…. I’m having high school flashbacks! Hahah! But you still had an amazing month, and it’s only going to be better once the semester is up! And your goals? You got this, babe! I can’t wait to read your June wrap up and see how hard you crushed them! Okay… ilysm, have a good May and read all the good books! 💗xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      thank you thank you thaaaaank youuuu! Inferno is such a fun classic. it’s so entertaining and grotesque and addictive – pretty easy and quick and great, as far as classics go. i hope your may is just absolutely perfect!!! lysm ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  7. May @ Forever and Everly says:

    I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! you deserve all the followers you have and a few thousand more 💖💖 (also I’m very happy you got out of the reading slump, way to win the battle against John Green)

    and nooo I’m so sorry May is off to a bad start for you! I hope everything is okay 💞 you will get through it, I promise, you can beat John Green and you can beat anyhing

    and oh my god I’m still surprised you liked Emergency Contact because everyone seems to hate it? (having a crush on Mary HK Choi is so damn understandable though, just look at her) I trust your opinion very much and if I hate it, the blame is on you

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:


      also…..i nearly forgot that john green caused that reading slump. SCREW YOU, JOHN. I WIN. me: 23478237498. john green: 0.

      why does everyone hate Emergency Contact 😦 it’s a little first book-y and a little fanfiction-y and a little cringe-y at times but i feel like the good So outweighs the bad. YOU HAVE TO LOVE IT.

      thank you thank you i just made some Personal Life Mistakes that i cannot shut up abt and so will probably end up kik-ing you abt too

      I LOVE YOU ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  8. bookgraphy says:

    It sounds like a great month for youu Emmaa! ❤ I really need to read The Little Books of Feminist Saints and Obsidio! btw: Congratulations on 500 followeeers, you deserve them aaaall ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  9. aravenclawlibrary says:

    500 followers?! That is incredible! You are incredible, my dear!
    Sorry that you had a bit of a rough few days. Don’t be afraid to hit me up on instagram if you ever need to chat, love! I will always be there for you! <3<3

    I hope your May gets better and better and WE GOTTA BUDDY READ READY PLAYER ONE SOON! Okay, I'm done shouting! lol. <3<3<3<3

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      ahhh thank you so much!!! ❤ ❤ & since you've been gone is the best best best, hope the unexpected everything lives up somewhat for ya!

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Marta says:

    I love this wrap-up post so much, you’ve read so many amazing books! I’m so glad you liked Since You’ve Been Gone and Emergency Contact (same ratings 🙌). I’m sorry you didn’t like The Distance Between Us, I like Kasie West, but that’s not my favourite book from her (that’s PS I like you, maybee try that one if you ever want to give her a second chance, it has pen pals)
    Great month ❤❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      thank you so much!! i’ve read a bunch of kasie west (including ps i like you) and tragically i just don’t think she’s for me. luckily there are still universally faaaaabulous books like since you’ve been gone and emergency contact. thank ya thank ya ❤


  11. Michelle 🌈 says:

    Hoping May is a little bit kinder to you now (this sounds like I’m talking about May @ Forever and Everly instead of the month May lmao) ❤️ The Little Book of Feminist Saints sounds amazing I need it asap. I’m so happy to see so many amazing books on (historical) women coming out, both fiction and non-fiction. A while back I was at a Waterstones in Manchester and there were SO MANY for children too it’s amazing
    Also congrats on 500 followers!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      lmaooo i hope that both may the month and may @ forever and everly are kinder to me (jk the latter is always a peach)

      you’re so right that there are so many books about historical women now!! i’m lovin it. Brazen is still my favorite example

      thank you thank you thank you!! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

plz give me attention