October Wrap-Up: An actually…good month??


Looking back, it seems obvious. My birth month + Halloween + good weather + I’m out of my reading slump + my favorite cookies at my local grocery store were briefly 50% off.


Let’s talk about it.

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What a time to be alive, ladies.

It was my birthday. (Which was solid. A girl can legally drink, my friends.) It was Halloween. (Which is not my favorite holiday but I am a fan of: candy; cute decorative things that look like ghosts and witches and pumpkins; the period known as “now,” when the aforementioned cute and candy things are on sale.)

It was also midterm season. So for approximately 1-2 weeks (corresponding to my birthday!! We love it) I spent absolutely every second of every day wanting to die and crying. Except not actually crying because that’s very off-brand for me.

But THENNNN it was the most wonderful time of the year (please read in the bellowing singing voice of the song): getting grades back!!! Getting As = my drug. Addicting, instant pleasure-inducing, life-controlling, priority-redefining, etc etc. I love it.

Also: I READ SO MUCH. YOU GUYS. I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!!! And I also posted here?? And on bookstagram??? And on Goodreads??

I don’t know who I am but I do know I: love what’s happening..

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Oops, I did it again…”it” being “accomplish all my goals” baby!!!

Except I only kind of blog posted enough. And I haven’t posted about Renegades and Archenemies yet. But I’m saving that sh*t for the release date boi.

Watch me: basically recycle all of these goals right now. Don’t mess with what’s working.


Blog post at least four times

Post on bookstagram at least five times

Read at least 10 books

Read at least one classic

Post about Renegades and Archenemies

Keep an eye on internships

Write and post reviews

Keep doing fun stuff!

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This month is the calm before the storm. And also after the storm. The calm between the storms.

Midterms are donezo and December is when finals come to kick me in the face and make me cry. So I’m set for the moment.

This month this month…Thanksgiving. Course registration.

I don’t know. In Little Women don’t they say something about how sh*t November is? The weather sucks. It’s kinda boring. We’ll see.

Shoutout to me half-remembering quotes I read more than a decade ago. Practically Cam Jansen with this photographic memory over here.

BUT ALSO IT’S VOTING TIME BABY!!! I am phone banking and canvassing and going home for 24 hours (spending 12 of those hours on a bus) because my absentee ballot never arrived.

American people: Please vote. Please please please.

Let’s talk about how much I read!!!

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1. Renegades by Marissa Meyer

Read: September 20 – October 4 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 3 stars

Renegades (Renegades, #1)CAN YOU EVEN BELIEVE HOW LONG THIS BOOK IS. Can you imagine sitting down and being like, “Ah, time to start a new series! Just some light worldbuilding and characterization and…there’s literally five hundred pages.” What a power move.

Anyway this was fine. Fun. Romance was good.

Also it was 500 pages long and literally nothing matters.

2. A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer

Read: October 5 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 2.5 stars

A Curse So Dark and LonelyRemember how I didn’t like the contemporary by Brigid Kemmerer I read? And remember how I don’t like ACOTAR?

This is like if those books were combined. What a dream.

Also, yeah…that’s right. This book is 496 pages long and I read it in a day. What of it? That’s just a casual, cool thing for me to do and not something I want to brag about until the end of days.

Thanks to Bloomsbury for the ARC!

3. Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo

Read: September 24 – October 6 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 4 stars

Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows, #2)The thing about life is that it’s teeming with disappointments. Not only of the disastrous, notable variety, but also the more subtle kind that just leave you feeling meh.

Six of Crows is a five star read and one of my favorite books of all time. This is just…fine.


4. Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi

Read: October 7 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 4.5 stars

Emergency ContactHell yes I reread this book less than six months after reading it for the first time. I LOVE IT AND I WILL NOT BE SHAMED.

This is one of those books that I love and a lot of people don’t love and every time it hurts my feelings and it should teach me empathy or something for all the times I hate books that people love but it doesn’t and it never will because I am an emotionless robot.

Except for one (1) emotion, which is: love for this book.

5. The Girl King by Mimi Yu

Read: October 6-9 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 2.5 stars

The Girl KingDid I want to like this book? Yes. Desperately.

Did I like this book? Of course not, because this is an unjust world and I never get what I want!!! (Except for one time.)

This just never grabbed my attention, even a little bit even one time. I was bored and I thought the romance was deeplyyyy unnecessary and I WANTED MORE SISTERLINESS OKAY.

See: the thing I said earlier about disappointments. And also the thing about thanking Bloomsbury for the ARC.

6. Love & Luck by Jenna Evans Welch

Read: October 8-10 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 3.5 stars

Love & LuckBut also, sometimes the universe works in beautiful, symmetrical ways…….which must be why, fresh off the disappointment that was a lack of sisterhood in The Girl King, I was delivered some of the BEST SIBLING RELATIONSHIPS EVER TO HIT THE WORLD OF YA.

What a treat.

Also: Ireland!!!

7. Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Read: October 11-14 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 3.5 stars

Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)Gang, it’s finally happening.

For YEARS (okay maybe like 1 year) I have claimed to be planning to reread The Lunar Chronicles. I, and probably everyone, assumed I was absolutely lying because I never follow through on my promises.

BUT I WAS BEING TRUTHFUL. Because look. I did it.

Also Cinder is the worst book in this series and that’s just facts.

8. Circe by Madeline Miller

Read: October 9-18 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 3 stars



I just don’t get the hype with this one. I just thought it was so meh. I liked it at first and then I just got so tired of it. Maybe had something to do with me listening to the audiobook? Who can say. Regardless: unpopular opinion baby!!!

9. Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

Read: October 15-18 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 4 stars

Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)IT’S A BINGE READ, BABY.

Yes I am going to read this whole series in the span of a month. Yes I am going to read other books too. Yes I am a superhero and would appreciate extensive praise.

Also, this book is slightly better than Cinder, but Scarlet and Wolf are still meh. At least Thorne appears. Heart heart heart. And Cress a lil.

10. Archenemies by Marissa Meyer

Read: October 14-18 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 2 stars

Archenemies (Renegades, #2)I finished Renegades and was like, this series has so much potential!! The next book could be really good!!!

What I didn’t realize is that the next book could also be really bad. And guess what? This book was pretty bad.


11. Anna and the Apocalypse by Katharine Turner

Read: October 20-21 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 2 stars

Anna and the ApocalypseThis was just…the strangest.

Like…it’s a novelization of a movie. A British zombie movie. For teens. With singing. And jokes. And one that seems for all intents and purposes to be made up mostly of scenes in which brains get smashed. (Yes I stole that from my Goodreads review but it’s really all I can say on the matter.)

Thanks to Fierce Reads for the copy!

12. Cress by Marissa Meyer

Read: October 19-22 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 4.5 stars

Cress by Marissa MeyerWhooooole lot of Marissa Meyer this month my dear boy. Like…cumulatively over 2000 pages.

Who am I.

Anyway THIS IS THE BEST BOOK IN THE SERIES I THINK and Cress and Thorne are present and accounted for and truly what more could you possibly need.

13. The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

Read: October 23 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 2 stars

The MetamorphosisI’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the best part of being an English major is reading the same stories over and over again when you didn’t even like them the first time!!

See: Bartleby the Scrivener; Huck Finn.

The first time, you get that affective unpleasantness, but multiple readings bring out a whole new level of dislike. 10/10 recommend, sarcastically.

14. The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick

Read: October 22-23 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 4.5 stars

The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. DickThis book is not for the faint of heart, which is not an insult or a challenge. It contains racist and sexist and all around bigoted language and it can be very very very hard to get through.

But it’s amazing. And I think it’s worth it.

AHHH even thinking about how I felt when I finished this book is affecting me!! Reading is cool!!! I might need to raise this rating!!!

15. Opal by Maggie Stiefvater

Read: October 24 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 4 stars


Maggie Stiefvater, please write infinite books in which you name-drop him one (1) time. I am asking you to manipulate me and take my money.

Make me suffer it’s FINE.

16. Sadie by Courtney Summers

Read: October 25 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 4 stars

SadieFor some reason I woke up one morning (or possibly early afternoon, to be fair) and was like “I’m going to binge read Sadie today.”

Even though I had class that day from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Even though this is a pretty grueling book.

No regrets??? (Some regrets.)

17. Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Manisalco

Read: October 29-30 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 1.5 stars

Stalking Jack the Ripper (Stalking Jack the Ripper, #1)WHY MUST I SUFFER.

I have this book on my TBR for like a year, I finally buy it (BUY IT!!! Not even on Book Outlet!! With real human money!) in time for Halloween, and of course I hate it.

Why am I doomed to this life of pain and turmoil??? Why are books so cheesy and weird?? Why am I destined to be the lone guard against strange subtle antifeminist language drowning under performative feminism???

If you can answer any of these questions, lmk.

18. Fairest by Marissa Meyer

Read: October 26-31 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 1 star

Fairest (The Lunar Chronicles, #3.5)If it ever takes me five days to read a 200 page YA fantasy book, something is dreadfully wrong.

In this case, that dreadfully wrong something was a whole lot of boring + sexual predation + awkward embarrassing cringey discomfort.

The big three of me hating a book, really.

TRULY OUT OF THE SLUMP. Guys, I haven’t read this many books since…May! When I literally didn’t have school!


Anyway, drumroll please…..the moment we’ve all been waiting for…….the average rating for the month is………..


Quantity over quality I guess.

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Well, I managed to post three times. Actually four, but due to a common technical difficulty known as “Emma being a f*cking idiot” I deleted a post. Or reverted it to a draft or whatever.

Either way it is lost to time and I’m not pleased about it because I actually made graphics!!!

Here are the posts I didn’t irrevocably f*ck up, in order of views.

1. It is my birthday so here are my ten favorite books

2. September Wrap-Up: All school, all the time

3. The Unique Blogger Award: A very on-brand ego boost

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Yay October!! So good!!

Let’s see if my good mood and strong standing and relative motivation can make it through the rapidly incoming cold weather that consistently makes me wanna die!


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How was your October? Did you read anything good? Anything terrible? Have you read any of the books I read?

What were you for Halloween?


57 thoughts on “October Wrap-Up: An actually…good month??

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      UGH i love you i hope each and every month you have is better than the last at an exponential rate until finally someday they even approach being as good as you deserve

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Brianna @ Brianna the Bookworm says:

    FINALLY someone who also didn’t get the hype for Circe. Honestly it was just so… boring?? I mean I love Madeline Miller’s writing but it was truly a struggle to get through that book aghh.

    Also I’m currently reading all the Grishaverse books (I’m on Ruin & Rising rn) and now I’m concerned of being let down by Crooked Kingdom…. oh nooo!

    Great wrap up & happy November !! 🧡

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      yes!!! i liked it at first b/c of the writing but then it was just…more of the same and it WOULD NOT CLICK

      my grishaverse opinions are weird tho!! i dnfed the trilogy halfway through the second book. and crooked kingdom was not bad it’s just everything pales in comparison to six of crows

      ty b you too!! ❤


  2. readingbystarlightblog says:

    WOW – October was definite your month! Way to go [and thanks for putting me to same haha]. Hopefully the momentum continues to build and you’ll have another epic month in November!

    Side note: You mentioned that Halloween isn’t your favorite holiday and I was curious as to what is? You don’t have to answer if it’s personal. My favorite holiday is Christmas (I turn into a crazy little elf). I love the music, the smell of spices when you cook, the cozy movies, buying gifts for your friends, I love the atmosphere and decorating the house… I’m already counting down the days! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      omg thank you!! october was precedented by some Rough months so i choose to believe the universe was just paying me back, and that also i will just continue to have great months through the rest of time. hope your november is excellent too!!

      & christmas is my favorite holiday as well! i hate the winter, so i love that it’s this bright spot with happy music and movies and treats. just feels so joyful

      Liked by 1 person

      • readingbystarlightblog says:

        Our christmas is a little topsy turvey in Australia because it’s smack bang in the middle of summer so it’s usually extremely hot which means backyard cricket, pool parties, barbecues and seafood! As cliched as it is, I’ve always dreamed of having a traditional white christmas like in the movies! Christmas in summer is still amazing but it’s just not the same haha!

        Liked by 1 person

      • emmareadstoomuch says:

        omg…a summer christmas is crazy to think about. two of my favorite things combined. i do love a white christmas tho!! (not least because my favorite christmas movie is White Christmas)

        Liked by 1 person

      • readingbystarlightblog says:

        It is pretty weird!

        I love White Christmas (aren’t holiday movies just the actual best?). I think my hands down favorite christmas movie has to be Meet Me In St Louis because I just adore the golden age of hollywood and Judy Garland singing ‘Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas’ is my favorite scene. Another good one is Christmas with the Kranks – Tim Allen is hilarious!

        Liked by 1 person

      • emmareadstoomuch says:

        ooooh i’ve never seen Meet Me in St Louis!! will have to add it to my seasonal to-watch list. i hold off on christmas celebrations till after thanksgiving usually, but i’m already hype

        Liked by 1 person

      • readingbystarlightblog says:

        You should it’a a gorgeous movie (if you like old timey ones). If you’ve ever watched Downton Abbey you’ll love it. It’s basically a year in the life of a middle class family in St. Louis in the Edwardian era and it ends with a beautiful segment at Christmas. It’s also a musical like Oklahoma or Carousel so it brings all the nostalgia! You’ll have to let me know what you think if you give it a go ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  3. ~Kerys says:

    YES! OCTOBER IS OBVS THE BEST MONTH!!! It was my birthday too! How was yours? I hope you got lots of chocolate and presents (or money, money’s good 💰😂)
    Congrats on reading so many books and achieving all your goals!! Six of Crows was amazing!
    I hope you have a good November. I’m lowkey dreading it (the coooold) but let’s just think about wrapping up in bed and movie marathons and staying at home? I went out today and i died.

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      truly all of the best people were born in october. it’s a law of the universe. my bday was pretty rad – i did get chocolate and presents!! how was yours?? get any books?

      thank ya! i am also dreading the cold. i exited the indoors today and the wind was blowing so strongly i almost went right back in?? but i will think of coziness and persevere. hope your november is excellent and not too shivery!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. thebookcorps says:

    You had such a good reading month!! Congrats on finishing your midterms! Shame you didn’t enjoy Circe — I adored that book. I hope you’re enjoying The Lunar Chronicles! I really want to read that series, but I just can’t find the time haha
    Hope you have a great November! 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      thank you thank you!! yeah i don’t know what it was with me and Circe – def a me problem tho.

      the lunar chronicles are so fun!! and quicker to read than you’d expect from how ridiculously long the series is. hope you enjoy if you pick them up!!

      ahhh thanks girl, have a gorgeous november 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Kelly Brigid says:

    Lovely wrap up! Firstly, YES totally agree with your thoughts on Circe. I give it a 3.5 but was generous and bumped it up to 4 cause I liked the writing. But it’s definitely overhyped!

    Secondly, NUHHHHH! Archenemies only has two stats! *cries* I really enjoyed the first book, so hopefully I’ll like the sequel. I’m glad you loved Cress though! That’s probably my favorite Marissa Meyer book!

    I hope you’re able to accomplish all your November goals, love! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      OMG. THANK GOD. i’ve been continually dropping my Circe rating b/c the more time that passes, the more profoundly eh i feel about it. the knowledge that i am not alone…beautiful.

      i saw potential in Renegades, but Archenemies tragically went all the opposite direction i wanted it to. i wouldn’t say it’s a baaaad book tho. i hope you like it more than i did – and i’ll still totally continue the series!!

      shoutout to cress ❤ ❤

      thank you thank you!! hope your november is amaaaazing 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Samantha Duffy says:

    I am so sad about Girl King! I was super excited after hearing the author talk about it at Book Expo, but somehow missed the ARC drop the same day. At least now I don’t have to be super upset I didn’t get it?

    Also- UHGGGGG about Stalking Jack the Ripper…I accidentally bought the entire series (and have and ARC of book three signed by the author). Fast forward to October, I read like 5 pages into the first book and put it down again… WHY. I want so desperately to love that series.

    I really want to read Sadie, and the Love & series but haven’t been able to convince myself to buy them… Can you read Love and Luck without reading Love and Gelato first?

    Overall though, AWESOME accomplishment this month (though the books weren’t all that good)! I am superbly jealous

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      i think The Girl King was just a personal thing for me – it’s not a bad book, just not my bag.

      omg for some reason i feel obligated/compelled to keep going with the stalking jack the ripper series but like…why? the first book was Not Good. godspeed if u try to read it

      love and luck and love and gelato act as standalones kinda! they’re companion novels, it’s just that love and gelato happens first. sadie is good as hell

      thank you thank you!!! quantity over quality tbh. hope you have an excellent november!!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. may says:


    you accomplished all your goals, are killing that tbr, and !!!!those As!!! damn, im proud

    i hope nov is just as amazing bc you deserve it b ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:


      ugh thank you i hope your november is the greatest month ever recorded in human history b/c YOU deserve it

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Eleanor @ On the Other Side of Reality says:

    Happy late birthday! Wow, you did read a ton of books. I miss the days when I read that many in a month, ahhh. I’ve been wanting to try Sadie for some time, and I totally agree with you about Crooked Kingdom.

    I only read six books this month (I think). My favorite was definitely either The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne or The Whispering Skull by Jonathan Stroud, but I liked all of them!

    Eleanor | On the Other Side of Reality

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      thank you!!! whoa props to you for reading The Scarlet Letter. i think i was assigned that in sophomore year of high school or something but i definitely didn’t read it attentively.

      sadie was so good!! & so glad i’m not the only one on crooked kingdom. hope you have an exxxxcellent november 🙂


  9. Tucker Almengor says:

    So glad October was a good month for you! It wasn’t great for me but things are looking up! I’ve finish one book and am about to start another. Also, yes cinder is the worst book in the series. Also, also, I can’t vote… The government is so age-ist…

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      thank you!! and by a little thing called “not having my priorities in order.” you are so kind and i hope november comes even close to being as excellent a month as you deserve!! (difficult but warranted.)


  10. Elizabeth says:

    Oh, no!!! Now I’m terrified for Archenemies. 😭 And I think I’ve also decided that October is my favorite month of the year? I used to be 100000% a spring baby but I’ve really fallen in love with all things fall.

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      renegades was meh for me too so don’t despair!! & i used to claim summer to be my favorite season but that is clearly a lie, because october is the best. hope you have a wonderfulllll november


    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      i usually can’t fathom it either???

      oh my god that is the nicest thing i have ever heard, especially since my posts are so long that i usually assume no one reads them. THANK YA. hope your november is record-breaking levels of excellent ❤


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