February Wrap-Up: Like January but if January was worse

Welcome to………the emmareadstoomuch Monthly Wrap-Up, Newly Expanded Edition!!!

As with all adaptations and additions on this blog, I saw other people doing this and wanted to take it for myself.

Instead of just having a wrap up of books I read, I ALSO have goals now! Wow. Look at me. And a top posts section! I unceasingly amaze myself.

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I hate making goals. I hate New Year’s resolutions. I hate long-term planning. I hate short-term planning. I hate it all.

Unfortunately, last month I was forced to take on a – gaspTBR.

There were 28 books on it, and I managed to read….drumroll please…nine of them.

Honestly I’m not mad at that number. Because I do NOT do well with being told what to read. Even if I’m the one doing the telling.

February goals

Read at least one classic ✓✓

Read at least 20 books ✓

Do school-assigned readings ✗

Read ARCs ✓ (kinda)

Have a higher monthly rating than last month ✓


Goals for March

Read at least one classic

Read at least 22 books

Do better at school assigned readings

Read ARCs

Have under 10 reviews not posted on Goodreads

Have an average rating over 3

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1. The Opposite of Here by Tara Altebrando

Read: February 1 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 3.5 stars

This month started out pret-ty solid. Reading-wise, that is. Everything else-wise: on-fire garbage can.

This is a YA thriller type deal that comes out in June (thanks Bloomsbury for the ARC!!). Ragtag group of teens gettin’ mildly confused to minimally scared on a cruise ship. I liked it, which is always surprising. Elise liked it, which means that it’s probably actually good.

(Yes, I am telling you on my very own blog that you should NOT, under any circumstances, trust my opinion. Just start trusting Elise’s instead tbh.)

Also Goodreads is doing a giveaway for a copy!!! If you’re not keeping a keen eye on Goodreads giveaways then honestly…………….wyd.

2. Run, Hide, Fight Back by April Henry

Read: February 5-6 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 2.5 stars

Another day, another ARC of a YA thriller.

But by “another day” I mean “five days later” because honestly what was happening to me at the beginning of this month??? Did I forget how to read?????


This one’s out in May (thanks to Macmillan for the ARC). Another ragtag group of teens, this one a ragtag group of teens trapped in a shopping mall with active shooters.

The weirdest ever treatment of social issues. I canNOT get over it.

3. The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things by Carolyn Mackler

Read: February 6-7 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 2 stars

Reading this Extremely 2003 contemporary was…wow.

I was six in 2003, but even, like, thirteen year old me wouldn’t have liked this book?? Probably checked it out from the library because it says “butt” and that’s funny. But also probably return it without reading it.

Anyway. I “””had””” to read this because Bloomsbury was so kind as to send me an ARC of the sequel, which is inexplicably out in May. Of this year. 15 years after the first one. Sure.

There are also Goodreads giveaways for both this book and its sequel, if you’re into the sound of that.

4. The Brightsiders by Jen Wilde

Read: February 6-8 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 3 stars

Do I wish I loved this book? Yes.

However did I love this book? Not quite.

It is bonkers diverse though and it doesn’t assume pronouns for
a n y c h a r a c t e r and that almost makes up for the constant constant constant constant unrelenting suffering of the drama.

I gave this book three stars, guys. I really tried. Through the splitting migraine that these seventeen year olds stumbling toward true wuv gave me.

Out in May!!! Thank ya to Macmillan and Swoon Reads for the ARC.

5. The Whiz Mob and the Grenadine Kid by Colin Meloy

Read: February 10 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 5 stars


You guys. I don’t know how many times I have to tell you: band of ragtag diverse child pickpockets in 1960s Marseille. Illustrated. Map. Beautiful hardcover. Hilarious, Snicket-esque narrator. MIDDLE GRADE ADVENTURE

These are the only attributes that any book ever needs to have for me to love it ok.

6. What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen

Read: February 10-12 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 3.5 stars

God is there anything better than a Sarah Dessen book?

Except Dreamland. Or That Summer. Or The Truth about Forever.

Okay is there anything better than certain Sarah Dessen books.

Also yes fine there still is but I like a good Sarah Dessen book. That’s what I’m getting at. And this is a pretty good one.

God, imaginary voice that serves as you guys when I’m writing blog posts, can you give me a goddamn break?????

7. The Young Queens by Kendare Blake

Read: February 13 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 3 stars

Does anyone ever feel, like, passionate about novellas?

asks the person who has given four 5 star ratings this year, three of which were around 200 pages

This book wasn’t bad and made me hopeful for liking One Dark Throne (the Three Dark Crowns sequel) but also, like. Why did I read it? Why was it published? Why do authors write novellas and then sell them for actual human money? What is capitalism? What is cash? Why do we all agree that these certain pieces of paper = goods and services?

I don’t know, but thinking about that is more interesting than thinking about this book.

8. A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas

Read: June 5 – February 13 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 1 star

At the beginning of February, I made a bold claim.

“This month is the month when I finally finish this book.”

Maybe that doesn’t seem like such a bold claim, but you probably aren’t taking into account that I’d been currently reading it for eight months and I two starred the first book and I two starred the second book and it’s 705 pages long and it’s the worst book ever, in the world, and I hated it so much.

But I did it.

I continue to check the mail daily for whatever Prestigious Award I’ll inevitably receive for my suffering.

9. Grimm House by Karen McQuestion

Read: February 15 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 2.5 stars

Whoa. Great last name.

As my quality of life rapidly devolved this month, the agents that Goodreads has watching me realized that I needed something to give me The Will To Live (TM) (that’s where I would have put a TM symbol if I had the energy to find one and paste it).

Anyway. I won like 4 giveaways!!! This was one of them.

Really eh middle grade, but even eh middle grade is better than most YA y’know?

10. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote

Read: February 13-17 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 4 stars

I love classics, but more importantly I love my past self for deciding that I should force myself to read a classic per month for my own sanity and well-being.

O.K. except this book was probably detrimental to both my sanity and well-being.


Yay true crime. Yay classics. Yay an author so good he can make you feel sympathy for dead people in 50 pages or less when you don’t even experience human emotions.

11. The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert

Read: February 16-18 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 3.5 stars




It is the total opposite situation of what happens to me every day of my life…and I love it.

Reverse unpopular opinions FOREVER!!!!

11. Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen

Read: February 18-19 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 2.5 stars

This book…kind of tried to take down gender stereotypes???

Well. Just teenage-girl ones. And also no further than “you can be pretty AND smart!!” But still. This book is from like a hundred years ago (otherwise known as 2009) so that’s pretty cool.

Unfortunately, everything else about it was SO BORING that I almost, like, forked my eyes out or whatever.

But: female friendship???

The Great Sarah Dessen Reread Extravaganza of 2018 will continue.

12. Searching for Love Online by Lily Fox

Read: February 20-21 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 2 stars



Not like I really gained all that much. This book is so riddled with grammatical errors and typos that I filed paperwork to start copyediting self-published books pro bono.

Charity, generosity, grammar fixation: these are the tenets that make up my volunteer service.

13. A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

Read: February 20-21 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 3 stars

I did it!!! I buddy read!!!

This was accomplish-able in this case mainly because I did it with May, who I already talk to on the reg, and we just read this at similar times and then talked about it extremely briefly and then moved on.

Bonus points that we both had the super unpopular opinion of finding it meh!!

May is better than me and already reviewed this, so you can find her review here.

14. Misery by Stephen King

Read: February 22 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 2 stars

I read my first ever Stephen King book this month!!!

Wasn’t a fan!!!

I just found it much more yucky than scary. Like, ugh. Wounds. So many wounds.

I couldn’t eat while reading this book, which was a disappointment because eating and reading simultaneously = my favorite activity by far.

No contest.

15. The Supervillain and Me by Danielle Banas

Read: February 18-23 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 3 stars

This was pretty much a contemporary, because there were LITTLE TO NO SUPERHEROES.

Okay. That’s not true. Approximately 62.27% of the characters were superheroes, but they were just never doing fun superhero stuff. A lot of romance. A lot of older brother shenanigans. A lot of…musical theater?

This is like One Direction fan fiction circa 2012 if Zayn were a superhero and Harry were the lead opposite you in the school play and Niall were your older brother.

Don’t ask me how I know so much about One Direction fan fiction but trust me on how accurate that description is. (Thanks to Macmillan/Swoon Reads for the ARC!)

16. Shadow State by Elyse Brayden

Read: February 24 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 3.5 stars


Okay, like. I saw a third of the twist coming from a million miles away. But the other two-thirds not even a LITTLE.

So that was cool.

Otherwise this book was weird? It’s a YA thriller, and therefore it’s very high school-y and not very thrilling. Except these characters never go to class? Whatever. You get it.

Thanks to Macmillan for the ARC!

17 + 18. Oedipus the King by Sophocles

Read: February 1 and February 25 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 3.5 stars

God. That cover is truly awful on so many levels.

I had to read this for school, and then I had to read it again for school. Because I wrote a really terrible paper on it.

Quote gathering.

You know the drill.

But this was a pretty good read all things considered.

19. The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher

Read: February 23-27 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: none

I DNFed this book!!! I haven’t DNFed a book in ages!!!

The first half of this is 2016 Carrie Fisher reflecting on her affair with Harrison Ford during the filming of A New Hope, and the second half is 1976 Carrie Fisher’s diaries.

Reading the first half was rough enough!!! It sucks learning one of the Great Movie Squads was actually 2/3 an older married man taking advantage of a young woman!!! I didn’t need to read the lovesick pain of said young woman along with it sorry not sorry!!!

But. I love and miss Carrie Fisher man.

20. Nothing Left to Burn by Heather Ezell

Read: February 27-28 🌷🌿🌷 Rating: 3.5 stars

I weirdly…related to this book?

Which is not exactly what you want to say about a YA thriller centering on an emotionally abusive/creepyish boyfriend and a massive wildfire.

But here we are you know???

So in conclusion: relatable + pretty addictive in addition to being overall eh.

That’s an average rating of……..drumroll please…………………..


Can you believe it!!! 3.139!!!! 2017 was 2.7!!!!! Last month was 2.8!!!! What a massive improvement!!! I can hardly believe it.

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But my most viewed post of the month was actually none of these. My review of The Light We Lost, which got optioned this month for what will surely be a terrible movie, got hella views for some reason.

the light we lost banner

The world works in mysterious ways.

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So there’s February! It was…not awesome honestly. Even though the books I read were better. But it’s a short month and it’s over and now it’s spring break baby!!!!! No complaining from me!!!

But also probably not a lot of reading either. It’s March 4 and I have not yet completed a book.


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How was your February? Did you read anything good? What was your favorite read of the month? Or your least favorite?

Have you read any of the books I’ve read this month?

64 thoughts on “February Wrap-Up: Like January but if January was worse

  1. It’s Lu Again says:

    I DON’T LIKE A MONSTER CALLS EITHER!!!!!!! I WANT TO BE YOU THO BC YOU READ SO MUCHHHH COMPARED TO ME and I get like 4 books read and that’s a lot for me??????
    ANYWAYS. I’M GOING TO READ THE HAZEL WOOD!! ilsa asked to buddy read BUT WE SHALL SEE and I’m going into it completely blind I HAVE NO IDEA what it’s about but I’m excited!!!


    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      OMG OMG OM GOMG GOMG GMOMGOMG i hope you like the hazel wood!!! i only gave it 3.5 stars but it was like……a 3.5 stars of /potential/. like there was stuff i didn’t love but SO MUCH I REALLY LIKED. long story short i hope you like it!!

      i had straight up no life in jan and feb i just read school stuff’d worked and that’s it, hence hella books

      Liked by 1 person

  2. meltotheany says:

    1.) I want to read the Dark Crowns novella so bad… soon, soon! 2.) I highkey love that you loved the hazel wood despite (me) and others not. I will support valid feelings forever! 3.) You actually read… a shit ton? Haha!

    My least favorite Feb read was EASILY Immortal Reign. Why I stuck with that series? The Lord will never know! But my favorite was Inkmistess, easily. Like… I still can’t stop thinking about it!

    Happy March, beautiful! 💗xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      i saw your hazel wood review killin it in likes on GR!!!! i was 1) like “oh how the tables have turned” and 2) like HELL YA look at her review slaying the game

      i know i don’t know how i’m reading so much lately but i am not questioning it tbh

      thaaaank you have a wonderful march ❤ ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Elizabeth says:

    Haha, I think it’s so funny how you reacted to loving the Hazel Wood. It’s great how we all have different taste 😂
    Good luck with March! I haven’t finished a book yet either, so don’t feel bad!

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      i swear i am so used to hating the books everyone loves!!! this is v refreshing/fun comparatively

      thank you!!! good luck to you too ❤ we'll get there man


    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      thank you!!! i am not sure what’s happening. i may be cursed/enchanted. ooh i love an addictive series?? hope your march is going well!!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Norrie says:

    Aww, so many 1-2 stars… hope march will be better!

    Misery is one of my favourite King books. Sorry it didn’t work out for you. Maybe it’s a bit strong for starters if you don’t like gory stuff. (I do, hehe)
    Some of his books that don’t have outright disturbing stuff are Hearts in Atlantis (even my mum liked it, and she doesn’t like scary/gross stuff), Joyland, Bag of Bones (as far as i remember), 11/22/63.

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      true but honestly this month was good by my standards!!

      thank you! if/when i try king again i’ll go with one of those. hope your march is great!!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Haadiya @ The Starlit Reader says:

    28 days and 20 books??? What sorcery. I have no life and I haven’t been able to reach that level of sorcery since last year, teach me your ways.
    Also im also unsure why I set goals for myself and torture myself with disappointment BUT HOPEFULLY youll do really well with you goals. I loved your post♥♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      THANK YOU ❤ i don't know what's going on, i really don't. but i haven't finished a book yet in march so maybe my two-month streak will break???

      hope march is fab for ya ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  6. ioana @dragonwaffles says:

    These were so many 3 star books man…I might shed a tear I’m not used to this from you. I love all your unpopular-y 1 star reviews BUT YOU SEEMS SO HAPPY ABOUT THOSE 3 STARS DAMN IT YOU OWN IT!! I’m strangely invested now. Will you keep up the 3 stars by the end of the year?? TUNE IN NEXT MOTH TO FIND OUT! (I’m making this sound more like a reality tv show then I probably should)

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      HAS ANYONE EVER BEEN THIS THRILLED OVER COPIOUS THREE STAR RATINGS? i don’t know i’m too busy being elated to figure it out

      THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. still more 1 star reviews coming tho. specifically ACOWAR whenever i finally work up the energy to write it


  7. Emily says:

    Omg I felt the SAME WAY about Young Queens. I really liked Three Dark Crowns and One Dark Throne was good but I didn’t like it quite as much. But Young Queens felt useless to me???

    Anyway, love your honest and witty reviews!! So glad I found your blog 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      ahhh thank you sm!!!

      i think i’m inherently biased against novellas maybe? they always feel So Pointless. i need to not read them for series i don’t really care about but god they’re such quick reads


  8. May @ Forever and Everly says:

    “talked about it extremely briefly and then moved on” …why do we just not care about anything ever, jesus. (also thanks for linking to my review, but I usually am not responsible like that so I am definitely not better than you)

    also I am so sad you didn’t enjoy the Brightsiders as much (BISEXUAL DRUMMER AAAHHH) but at least they didn’t assume anyone’s pronouns?? that’s so cool???


    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      WE ONLY CARE ABOUT THINGS THAT ARE GOOD AND IMPORTANT. a monster calls just did not qualify as that for either of us, srry not srry

      also i didn’t like queens of geek so……i’m sure anyone who liked that book would also like the brightsiders?

      YOU TOO LUV ❤ ❤


  9. Ellyn says:

    Yes, everything you said about The Princess Diarist! it was honestly so weird to read about the affair and totally made me respect Harrison Ford a whole lot less than I did before. Not cool, man.

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      i know………..and like carrie fisher didn’t try to paint him in a bad light at all which made it worse? she clearly loved him even if not romantically and he was just…totally scummy. bleh.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. malanielovesfiction says:

    now i must read whiz mob and grenade kid, it seems so good and i so much trust your reviews, especially bc you didn’t like court of wings and ruin and I don’t understand how that series is loved by anyone in this forsaken world??????? POR QUE??????

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:


      & YES. SERIOUSLY. in the year of our lord 2018 why are we pretending that acotar is a good series???? why

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Ayunda says:

    Congrats on finishing A Court of Mist and Fury. I tried my best to read it but gave up after a couple of chapters. It’s too bad you didn’t like Misery! I loooved the entire thrilling, gore-y, disgustingly psychological torture in the book. I guess it’s not for everyone.

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      thank you!!! i’m immensely proud of myself

      i think i’m just really picky with thrillers?? this is what i am realizing of myself. i’m glad you loved it though!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Caro @ bookcheshirecat says:

    Like January but if January was worse is officially my favorite description for February and I agree, because this month wasn’t so good for me either 😅
    I have to admit that I have no interest in the Three Dark Crowns novellas, because I don’t care that much about the books, even though I liked the first book 😀
    I had a pretty good reading month with a lot of books I loved, but I also reread many books, so I knew that I would like them 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      that is exactly my problem with three dark crowns that i should have realized in advance!! even though i liked that book, i did not like it enough to care about the novellas.

      yay for rereading!! i love rereading. it’s safer that way.

      february suuuucks, at least it’s over! hopefully march is better?? fingers crossed

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Angelica (TheBookCoverGirl) says:

    Congrats on all you’ve read!! And yay!! Your book rating average is getting better! Next thing you know you’ll be giving out four and five stars like no tomorrow and all books will good! You know… ideally. But realistically maybe not. Still, yay on progress! And you finally read ACOWAR! Yay for that too! I must admit, I actually didn’t that one. I mean, I certainly didn’t love it, but I didn’t hate it. Not in the way I hated the previous two. It definitely didn’t need to be 700+ pages long though. And I’ve been skeptical about Hazel Wood because everyone I trust has disliked it. But, I guess I trust you too so I’ll give it a chance. Lastly, as I close off this extremely long comment, your whole novella speech just made me question my entire life. Like, I’ve had those same thoughts before, but to see I’m not the only one has me doubting everything I’ve ever done. I feel like I’ve spent so much time and money on novellas that I could have spent on actual full books! Or, you know, other non-bookish things. But, oh well. I regret nothing!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      thank you!!! doling out 4 and 5 stars would certainly lead to an existential crisis for me but like…a good existential crisis maybe??

      i’m glad you didn’t totally hate ACOWAR! it was by far my least favorite of the series but for like different reasons than i hated the other two books so.

      ugh i know!!! i have such a weird relationship with novellas idek


  14. Marta says:

    Ah, now you got me a bit worried about The Brightsiders because I was so hyped and now I don’t know anymore??? I think I will still read it because the cover is gorgeous and I love bands in books!!
    You’ve read so maaany books, how did you manage, girlll? February only has 28 days, are you Wonder Woman in disguise? Nothing Left To Burn sounds absolutely interesting and I can’t wait to get to that, glad you liked it! ❤
    Lovely post! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • emmareadstoomuch says:

      ahhh thanks luv!!

      if you liked Queens of Geek then you should not pay the slightest mind to my Brightsiders opinion. i’m just really hard on wattpad-y stuff b/c it reminds me of my teen pop sensation fanfiction days. terrible memories.

      i’ve barely read in march so things fall apart quickly let me tell ya


plz give me attention